How Drug Rehab Centers in Maine Can Help Sexual Assault Victims Overcome Addiction
Research shows that sexual assault victims are between three and 10 times more likely to use marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs than those who aren’t assaulted, according to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network. Additionally, women who are sexually assaulted as children are three times more likely to suffer from substance abuse and addiction than their counterparts. Drawing from these statistics, local residents are saying sexual assault victims can successfully overcome addiction by having their traumas treated at drug rehab centers in Maine.
If you are struggling with addiction and/or have also suffered from sexual assault, we’ll guide you toward local rehab centers that can help you heal and become healthier. Call our confidential helpline at 888-414-2380 to learn more about drug rehab centers in Maine that treat addiction and co-occurring disorders.
The Link Between Sexual Assault and Substance Abuse
In addition to having a strong link to sexual assault, substance abuse is also closely linked to human trafficking. Studies show that human trafficking captors frequently supply victims with drugs such as heroin or fentanyl, then withhold these drugs as a form of control. In many cases, victims of human trafficking who escape their lifestyles remain addicted to drugs, and search for alternate ways to access drugs that lead to additional crime and victimization.
Maine residents and advocates of addiction treatment say substance abuse is often the result of underlying trauma such as sexual abuse, and that rehab treatments should fully address past and current traumas. Advocates also suggest that counselors, therapists, and other staff at rehab centers screen patients for a history of sexual violence and assault, and develop individualized treatment plans for these patients accordingly.
Treating Co-Occurring Disorders at Rehab Centers
In addition to driving substance abuse and addiction, sexual assault can cause victims to suffer psychological and emotional effects such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders. Treatments for these conditions, known as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis, are often included as part of addiction treatment at rehab centers across Maine.
The first stage of treatment for addiction and co-occurring disorders is detoxification, which helps patients overcome dependence on drugs. In some cases, depending on the addiction type, patients are prescribed medications that help ease cravings and withdrawal symptoms. This allows patients to begin counseling and therapy without being distracted by feelings of pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal.
Following completion of rehab treatment, patients can participate in support groups and programs that offer addiction education, and that teach how to avoid relapse during stressful situations. Patients also learn how to identify and cope with triggers that lead to drug use and addiction, and how to succeed in the real world following rehab.
If you or a loved one is addicted to painkillers, alcohol, or another substance, our caring addiction treatment specialists can provide you or your loved one with the resources needed to combat and overcome addiction. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 888-414-2380 to learn more about drug rehab centers in Maine that can help you achieve good health and lasting sobriety.